Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What Motivates me?

Sorry for my delayed response on this particular posting. Somehow between working two jobs and taking organic chemistry the promise was forgotten. Enough for excuses however, here it is.

My motivation to a healthy lifestyle started as most do. Desiring to look like the latest men's health model, you know the guy with the airbrushed abs and pec implants! However, while trying to attain these worldly standards I found what motivates me to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Life throws us all sorts of stumbling blocks, some we have no control over and others we do, but I think a lot comes down to how we look at things. If you always view challenges as stumbling blocks instead of seeing their potential as stepping stones to take you higher, you are missing out on a great deal of the best stuff life has to offer. The stuff that is accomplished through trials, blood, sweat and tears. That's where we learn who we are. That's how we know what we are really made of. If you haven't pushed yourself to that limit, how will you ever really know? Here's the question...WHAT ARE YOU MADE OF? If you need help thinking of a challenge that will help you figure this out, feel free to let me know!!
The decision to lead a healthy lifestyle with the foods that we eat and the exercises that we perform are examples of these stepping stones. The more I learn about the human body the more I am impressed by the amazing feats that we can accomplish if we refuse to let stepping stones become stumbling blocks. Feel free to comment...What motivates you?

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