Monday, July 13, 2009

What does it mean to "get fit"?

I was just reading an article in my ACE Fitness magazine that brought up an interesting question: What does it mean to get or be fit? I wanted to talk about this for a minute because I think its an important question.

Over the course of my life my answer to this question has changed. When I was younger I wanted to have bigger muscles so I spent much of my time in the gym lifting weights. Then I wanted to gain weight because steer wrestling isn't for tiny guys so I lifted weights and even tried to gain weight, which I was successful doing. Then I wanted to slim down for my wedding so I started running, and I was also able to do that as well. Next came the triathlon and then yoga. So, you can see that I have been all over the continuum.

However, only lately have I begun to think about fitness as a mind and WHOLE body state of being. I want to be (and I want my training clients to be) fit 360 degrees. So, what does "get fit" mean? Well according to this article, and I would agree, it contains several components:
  1. Aerobic fitness aka cardio
  2. Strength
  3. Flexibility/Balance
  4. Body Composition
This is to say nothing of the nutrition element! Do you find yourself focusing on all cardio at the gym thinking that it will help you lose weight the fastest? How about all weights or even all upper body? If so, think about in its truest form allows you to run, jump, lift, touch your toes and fit in to those jeans.

Maybe we are paying a little too much attention to the jeans and most, if not all of us are probably certainly neglecting the flexibility piece. Just food for thought...

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