Monday, August 3, 2009

Just Do It?

Hi all, this is Kristin, Josh's wife. As some of you know, and I think Josh has mentioned in previous posts, I am training for a half marathon. Friday morning I was on my long run for the week - 10 miles. It was my first double digit run week and I was excited to get it over with. While I was running I was thinking about this Nike slogan - Just Do It. I decided that whomever thought of that slogan was more than just a marketing GENIUS, he or she must have also been an avid athlete.

Are you trying to get in shape? Have you heard all of the cliche sayings that are suppose to motivate you: the first step is the hardest, if you just get started you will be so glad, and yes, just do it. The thing of it is, these are all the TRUTH! When I was out there running 10 miles I wanted to stop and walk quite a bit, in fact, I didn't necessarily want to get started but I convinced myself to take the first step, to get started and along the way several times I said to myself, "you can do this, half way done" or "one more mile, I've already run 9 what is one more!"

I think Just Do It seems too simple for most folks, in fact, I even argue to myself it isn't that simple. I'm tired, I'm hungry, I have a headache, I could run an errand instead, my son needs me at home, I need to get dinner ready, my knee hurts, etc. There are a million excuses but the truth of the matter is when it comes down to it every person on a fitness endeavor must JUST DO IT and while its not that simple, it is as simple as that.

No one can do it for you. The only person that can get me from that start line, across 13 miles to the finish line, is me. The only way to accomplish that is to do it one step, one workout, one spinning class, one run at a time. There are no magic pills. A strong and able body is attained by cultivating a disciplined and patient mind. A disciplined mind will lead to good habits and even when you have formed some good habits many workouts simply come down to, you guessed it - just doing it. You CAN do it, so what are you letting stop you?

Thanks for letting me take up a bit of your time today. All my best, Kristin

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