65 degrees one day and snowing the next! Guess that is why we love Colorado. Spring is by far my favorite time of year. I love to see our world come alive with color. The trees start to bud, the grass is turning green (hopefully) bulbs are popping up out of the semi frozen tundra everywhere we look we see God's amazing creation.
What better time to leave the gym behind and take our exercise outdoors. The front range is full of opportunities to take our workout regime to new heights. Below is a short list of the wonderful opportunities waiting outside your door.
- Bike ride on the miles of city and county maintained bike trails traversing the city and foothills
- Take a walk and get some Vitamin D (sunshine :)
- Take your workout to the nearest park it is amazing the workout you can get on the kids playground (email me if you would like a list of suggestions :)
- throw a Frisbee
- Pick-up basketball game
- Numerous outdoor activities (fly fishing, archery, hiking, mtn. biking, etc...)
Man what a gorgeous day for a ride! Made it out today with a couple other guys. Had the opportunity to ride fifty miles through the foothills what a great place to live :) Hope you too made it out to enjoy the last day of the weekend!