Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Breakfast anyone?

More often than not when I interview a new client I get a resounding "No" when I ask the question do you eat breakfast? This is perhaps one of the biggest mistakes we make on a day to day basis with our health and well being. I can not over emphasize the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast.

Studies show that individuals who consume a nutritious breakfast daily have "healthier diets," as well as a reduced risk of Cardiovascular disease. The reduced risk of Cardiovascular disease could be contributed to the amount of fiber typically seen in a nutritious breakfast such as oatmeal, or bran cereal (minus the tablespoon or more of sugar!) Some studies suggest that diets high in dietary fiber will reduce free cholesterol.

Assuming you didn't wake for a midnight snack your body has been in a fast for the past 8 hours. Which if you're not getting 8 hours you should, but that's for another day :) By passing up breakfast you are asking your body to perform at fasting levels. No wonder you feel sluggish! Not to mention the fact that the next time you eat, your body will store every ounce available because it doesn't know how long the next fast will be. This will likely mean extra pounds. If by this point you're not convinced of the importance of eating breakfast then email or comment and I will give you a thousand other reasons.

In an effort to make sure I address all potential excuses for not eating breakfast below are several quick and tasty recipes for a nutritious breakfast.

Cheesecake in a cup:

3/4 cup part-skim ricotta cheese
1/4 cup 1% or skim milk
1/2 cup blueberries
1/2 banana
2 teaspoons vanilla whey protein powder
6 ice cubes
**blend, pour and go*** quick and nutritious

Hearty Oatmeal:

3/4 cut old fashioned Oats
1/2 cup berries (frozen or fresh)
1 Tablespoon Flaxseed (ground)
1 Tablespoon or less brown sugar
1/2 cup milk
**2 mins in the microwave and you're on your way**

On the weekend a great Saturday morning addition:

Multi-grain pancakes:

A little more effort is required here but I can assure you it will make plenty for the weekend and week, and they are worth the effort!

3 whole eggs
4 cups milk (skim or 1%)
3/4 cup canola or olive oil
1 cup brown sugar
3 cups Oatmeal
2 1/4 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup wheat germ, toasted
1 Tablespoon baking soda
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
1 Tablespoon ginger
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
1/2 tablespoon cloves

Mix wet ingredients with brown sugar. Combine remaining dry ingredients and mix well. Mix together wet and dry ingredients. Leave batter to rest for 15 mins or overnight to allow oatmeal to absorb moisture. Use 1/3 cup to pour batter on heated and greased griddle cook until bubbles form and edges turn slightly brown. yields 10 servings at least!

Hope you enjoy these additions and look forward to hearing from you in the future!

Happy Trails,

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Welcome Spring!

65 degrees one day and snowing the next! Guess that is why we love Colorado. Spring is by far my favorite time of year. I love to see our world come alive with color. The trees start to bud, the grass is turning green (hopefully) bulbs are popping up out of the semi frozen tundra everywhere we look we see God's amazing creation.

What better time to leave the gym behind and take our exercise outdoors. The front range is full of opportunities to take our workout regime to new heights. Below is a short list of the wonderful opportunities waiting outside your door.

  • Bike ride on the miles of city and county maintained bike trails traversing the city and foothills
  • Take a walk and get some Vitamin D (sunshine :)
  • Take your workout to the nearest park it is amazing the workout you can get on the kids playground (email me if you would like a list of suggestions :)
  • throw a Frisbee
  • Pick-up basketball game
  • Numerous outdoor activities (fly fishing, archery, hiking, mtn. biking, etc...)
We limit ourselves when we don't take the time to look outside the box, and see all that is available to us. One of the best ways to break through a training plateau is to try something new and different. Our bodies are amazingly efficient and yet we seem surprised when we do the same thing day in and day out, yet expect different results. That is the very definition of insanity! So, what are you waiting for get out and enjoy what God has given us!
