Saturday, October 10, 2009

Where does the time go?

Are you overwhelmed?

Are you too busy?

Too tired?

Too frazzled?

Me too!

Sometimes life is just crazy. I feel like I'm juggling so many balls that with one misstep everything is going to come crashing to the ground. I don't really like living like this but sometimes it is just the way life is. The biggest problem for me is that I want to do everything well. I want to ace every test, please every client, spend quality time with my family and sometimes with friends, make a new post on my blog, have a quiet time, etc. It turns out that this is too much to fit in to any given day and sometimes it is more than I can fit in a whole week! I'm frustrated because when I am this busy I never do anything as well as I want to, as well as I am able, and I don't like living like that.

So what does this have to do with fitness? Not much (though its true that your gym time is usually the first thing to get axed), but it does have to do with life. I always say, "things will slow down after I...." I have recently come to the realization that nothing really does slow down unless you put on the brakes and say, "Whoa! This is just too much!" I think its time to simplify a bit. It is time to prioritize. I know that many/all of you are too busy and often overwhelmed with all that MUST be done. Turns out, many of those things are by choice and some of them DO NOT have to be done. The trouble is deciding which is which. We just cannot do everything and live the life that we were intended to live.

With that I ask you, what do you need to let go of? What do you need to say no to? What priority has slipped to the bottom of your list that needs to move back to the top? These are important questions. It's time we (I) gave them some serious thought. Any comments? Please share and I promise by the next post I'll be much more calm!

Here's to living the best life possible (I don't think that translates into the busiest life possible).


1 comment:

  1. Well I must admit I'm a bit introverted (sounds better than a hermit) so I find I have the time for most of the things I want to do. I am at times guilty of poor time management and allow myself to get distracted and not accomplish things. For me fitness and the rest of my life are very entwined. No matter if it is a weight or cardio type workout the exhaustion is good for me. It helps me be more focused, handle things better and instead of wearing me out for rest of the day I am much more focused and on point. I think it is up to each person to find the perfect balance for them.
