Sunday, March 6, 2011

Step one to a Healthy Weight

These days weight control and management is all about the latest fad diet, supplement or hormone. Yet little credit is given to the most important meal of the day, breakfast. In fact, breakfast is given so little credit that many skip it for the sake of saving precious time in a very busy schedule. People then wonder why their urge to eat three donuts at the office cannot be controlled. Numerous benefits come from eating a healthy breakfast including, a lower body mass index (BMI) , reduced risk of heart disease and type II diabetes, as well as an increase in overall quality of life.

Childhood obesity has increased threefold from 1980 to the present. This is not entirely to blame on the absence of breakfast in our homes; although, research shows that there is a relationship between eating a nutritious breakfast and maintaining healthy body weight. Current statistics on childhood obesity say that 34% of adolescent youth are overweight, the majority children because of their height to weight ratio. About 60% of adolescents eat breakfast four or more days per week and this number decreases to 30% into young adulthood. Children do as they see. Parents who take time to eat breakfast with their children have children who realize the importance of eating a healthy breakfast and maintain a healthier body weight.

The busyness of daily schedules has taken precedence over eating healthy and properly fueling our bodies. Eating right is a lifestyle choice and one that is best started early. If we want our children to have healthy habits then we need to model healthy habits. If you have ever run a race or competed in any athletic event it is easy to think about the importance of eating the right things before competition. Eating at the right time as well as the right combination of foods can easily be the difference between a stellar performance and a not so stellar one. Few would think it was a good idea to not eat prior to the start of a marathon or half-marathon. Why then do we start our day without a healthy breakfast? We rush our kids off to school with a pat on the back for good luck and the pressure of excelling without first taking the time to give them what they need to excel.

If we compare our lives to running a marathon it is easy to see the importance of healthy eating and proper timing. Anyone who has ever trained for and ran a marathon, or any race for that matter, knows that it takes commitment, dedication and hard work. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is no different. The commitment needs to begin with the first and most important meal of the day, breakfast. Below are some practical tips to help you get your day started off right, I use the analogy of training for a marathon just to show the relationship between commitment, hard work and dedication.

Marathon comes from ancient times when the Greek Phidippides ran 26 miles from Marathon to Athens to warn the Athenian’s of the approaching Persians. Shortly after his arrival to Athens, Phidippides, died from exhaustion. Some might argue that our bodies are not meant to run such distances, but with the right training and nutrition this is accomplished on a daily basis.

Nutritional implication just as our bodies are not naturally accustom to the distance covered by the marathon. Our bodies are not designed to start the day without nutrients from a healthy breakfast. It is the nutrients from a healthy breakfast that provides the energy for the day and sets the tone for a healthy lifestyle.

Most runners who decide to run a marathon realize the importance of having a steady training routine. It takes time to accustom the body to running long distances. Running shorter distances multiple days a week and then perhaps a longer run on the weekends. The best thing would be to slowly but surely add miles week to week.

Nutritional implication if you’re not currently eating breakfast making this change will take time. There may also be a period of time where your change is inconvenient or time consuming. Take it a little at a time. Research shows that breakfast even 4 days a week has a positive relationship with a health weight. Slowly but surely adding days as the body adjusts.

The typical marathon covers a distance of 26.2 miles. This is not a distance that can be easily covered with minimal training. Racers who take on the challenge of running 26.2 miles know they must be in it for the long haul. Depending on the training status of the individual it make take anywhere from one year to multiple weeks to train for race day.

Nutritional implication lifestyle change is never easy. Whether that is to lose weight or set a healthy habit for our kids such as eating breakfast. We have to be in it for the long haul. If your mornings are already busy try making your breakfast the night before. Place oatmeal, frozen fruit and some ground flax seed in a microwavable safe bowl in the fridge. Add milk or water 3 minutes in the microwave and you have a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Few things can compare with the feeling that you get from crossing the finish line of your first race. Regardless of the distance 5K, 10K or marathon the feeling of a job well done is overwhelming. Knowing that all your hard work and dedication has paid off is quite rewarding.

Nutritional implication eating right and living a healthy lifestyle is not easy. It’s important to think of the long-term benefits that come from a healthy lifestyle. Making the change from not eating breakfast to eating breakfast is one that will be well worth your time. Decide on change today if not for your own sake then for your kids.