Saturday, August 14, 2010


Fueling for Life and Sport:

Proper fueling for life as well as exercise can be a difficult task. It is the most frequently asked questions that I get. Although proper nutrition and fueling maybe a difficult topic it is one that is well worth the investment. In a effort to help, below you will find some common foods compared to their "healthier" alternative. Some may go without saying, but I think you maybe surprised by others.

Peanut butter
Almond butter

Both of these make a healthy snack when added to a banana, celery or apple. However, almond butter takes the prize for "healthier" of the two. Both butters have about the same amount of fat, Almond butter has more monounsaturated fats which will help in reducing LDL levels decreasing Heart disease and stroke risk. Almond butter also contains more magnesium and calcium commonly lacking in the runner's diet.

Where to use: add almond butter to your bagel in place of peanut butter, mix in your post/pre workout shake or add to your morning dose of oatmeal.


I will never complain about a client eating either of these especially when veggies are lacking in almost any diet. If your looking for a palate change from spinach kale is a great option. Kale is a "super food" in every sense of the word. With 4 times as much Vitamin C as spinach and one and a half times the amount of immune boosting vitamin A and K. Vitamin K is essential to blood clotting and building strong bones. Kale also contains antioxidants that are important in the protection of eye health.

Where to use: blend kale in with your pre/post workout shakes. Remove stems and roll like a cigar, dice and saute with a little onion balsamic vinegar and brown sugar for a healthy side dish (easy on the brown sugar :) Or make some healthy chips cut bite size pieces and lay flat on a baking sheet spray with olive oil, salt and bake for 15 mins or until crisp.

Greek Yogurt
Regular yogurt

Besides the amazingly creamy taste of Greek yogurt there is twice as much protein compared to regular yogurt. One would assume that would come at a caloric trade-off not the case. Typically Greek yogurt is very comparable to regular yogurt in calories. The increased protein content will provide a feeling of fullness longer, and provide the body with the protein needed for muscle development.

Where to use: add Greek yogurt to your pre/post workout shake. substitute Greek for you regular yogurt at snack time or breakfast. Use Greek yogurt combined with pesto to make a healthier version of a pizza sauce. Spread on pizza crust add toppings and bake. Not all Greek yogurt tastes the same my favorite is brown cow and can be purchased at king soopers or in a family pack at Sam's blueberry and strawberry.