Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Got Goals?
It's the first week of 2010 and I can't tell you how many times I have heard, "any New Year's Resolutions?" I find this somewhat comical that we need to wait for the New Year to make changes to our lives that will probably make them substantially better. With that being said today is the day, tomorrow is too late for if you wait you will be working on the same goals come 2011!
I turn 30 (yeah that's right 30!) next month, so I am determined to make this my best year yet one that I can look back on and say look at what I accomplished this year. I challenge you to do the same in 2010. What will this decade look like for you? New career? New you? Below are a few of the goals that I have for myself and my family in 2010 please feel free to list any that you have set for yourself or your family in 2010.
  1. Start composting and add two more garden boxes in an effort to reduce my carbon footprint while enjoying the benefits that fresh veggies have to offer.
  2. God willing, welcome a new child into our family through adoption. This one is obviously more difficult for me to control, but preparing a loving and welcoming home is easily within my control
  3. Hold captive "Stinkin Thinkin" recognize the things that I am good at and work harder on the things that I am not or be willing to let those "things" go.

What will define this year this decade for you? We all know the definition of insanity so create an environment of change this year and do your best to live it!

Best of Luck and God Bless in 2010
