Friday, December 25, 2009

Start Now!

Merry Christmas! I sincerely hope everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends over this most wonderful time of year. Seems that we too had a very white Christmas.

Getting the opportunity to reflect on the past year as we look forward to 2010 I have an array of things to be so very thankful for. I have a beautiful family, a thriving business in tough economic conditions, and an opportunity to make 2010 my best year yet.

I think often as we approach this time of year we think of all the resolutions that we hope to start the first part of the new year, but I say why wait? Start Now! There is no time like the present to:
  1. Read a book for fun or one that will challenge you to grow spiritually or personally
  2. Take a step forward in your career by taking some classes at the local community college
  3. Make a committment to an athletic event such as Bolder Boulder, first marathon, etc.....
  4. Make a personal committment to better not only yourself, but your family as well

Time spent waiting for the new year is time wasted. Any time of the year these additions to your personal resume are going to be improvements. There's always a time for looking back on the things that we have done, however, that time is not nearly as valuable as the time spent looking forward! Here's to your best year yet!

As always I'm here to help you achieve any goals or aspirations so please feel free to post your goals or resolutions for 2010 here and well create a community of accountability.

Cheers to 2010!


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Heart of the Rockies Half Marathon

For those of you who don't know I teach a multi-sport class Tuesday and Thursday mornings at Old Town Athletic Club. The first part of November my core group, Heidi, Cori, Heather, Doug and Arlene decided to sign up for the Heart of the Rockies half-marathon! Very proud moment for me as a trainer!

I did not do a good job of getting everyone together for a group photo after the race so the photo above shows Heidi, Jennifer (Heidi's friend) and Cori at the finish line. We had brunch after the race at my house, it was a fun day. Sorry this is so late needless to say school, family and work have been extremely busy.

Congrats Crew Nice Work and looking forward to the next one already!
Until then run hard