Friday, September 18, 2009

WOW Factor!

Because, I am an ACE certified personal trainer on a monthly basis I receive a publication that is designed to keep us up to date on new developments. With all the recent talk of health care reform the article was on "exploring the role of Diet in Treating Disease." Listen to this:

"In a 2007 made-for-TV experiment in Britain, nine willing volunteers were locked up for 12 days, and left to eat the dietitian-designed and -approved diet of 11 pounds of fruits,vegetables, nuts, honey and water (a little oily fish was added in the second week) a day. While hardly a rigorous scientific study, the end results were impressive:"
  • 23% drop in cholesterol, an amount usually achieved only by statins
  • Lowered blood pressure by nearly as much
  • and......without trying lost 10 lbs!
Obviously, we all live lives that do not allow us to be locked away for 12 days to be hand fed our diet. This experiment does in fact prove the importance of diet in not only weight control but heart health as well.

Food for thought (no pun intended :)
  • What is one thing you can do to control weight while also improving heart health?
  • Challenge to track your calorie intake for one week promise you will be surprised!
  • How many of those calories came from heart healthy fruits and veggies? Fruit juice doesn't count fruit roll-ups either

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just How important is Breakfast?

I have always been pampered when it comes to breakfast. I was one of those lucky kids growing up who had a stay at home mom, who would every morning wake bright a early to see that we had breakfast before catching the bus to school. Of course at the time I really didn't pay any attention to it, but know I have a better understanding of the importance of breakfast.

Try to think of it like this:
  • Breakfast like a King
  • Lunch like a Prince
  • Dinner like a poor college kid (minus the fast food of course!)
I know I know you are probably saying but who has time for breakfast? So to help you battle this time constraint I have included a recipe for a tasty morning shake that will be sure to get you off on the right foot. All that you need is some frozen fruit and a good blender. It is as follows:

1 banana
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup 1% or skim milk
2 tablespoons low-fat vanilla yogurt
1/3 cup orange juice
2 teaspoons vanilla whey protein powder
3 ice cubes

makes 2 8-ounce servings
per serving: 137 calories, 6 g protein, 27 g. carbohydrates, 1 g fat (.5 g saturated), 3 g fiber, 49 mg sodium.

*Nutritional information will change based on protein used.

I use frozen fruit and oj because it makes for a thicker shake. Also a great addition is flax seed which is high in Omega 3's. Hope you enjoy until next time.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Banana-Oatmeal Pancakes

Hello to all my faithful followers so sorry for the extended absence. As many of you know I started back to school last week. Things have been a little hectic to say the least. I appreciate your checking in to my blog and I apologize that I have not taken the time to update it.

I am really looking forward to this semester. I am starting into the classes that really pertain to my major and I am looking forward to learning more about the body and how nutrition interacts. I hope to be passing a great deal of knowledge onto you so stay tuned!

Went camping with the guys a few weekends back and made these pancakes for breakfast one morning. Needless to say they were a big hit so I decided to post the recipe for all to see. Typically I like to make these the night before and let them sit in the refrigerator. This gives the oatmeal time to soak up the milk and oil. You may find however that when you do this they are pretty thick, just add a little more milk or if your counting calories water to desired thickness. If however, you do not have time to make them the night before add the milk and oil to the oatmeal and let it set for 10 mins. essentially this is doing the same thing. I also mash the banana in the bowl with the milk and oil. Here are some tasty additions:

1/4 cup pecan pieces
1/8-1/4 t. cinnamon

I usually use whole wheat flour, but for added protein you could substitute quinoa flour. To make buttermilk if you don't have buttermilk simply add 1 T. lemon juice to 1 cup milk let stand for 5 mins.

3/4 c. quick-cooking oats
3/4 c. whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp. salt (optional)
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 med. banana, mashed
1 lg. egg
3/4 c. buttermilk or regular milk
2 tbsp. salad oil
Combine dry ingredients. Combine banana and egg, then add milk and oil. Add to dry ingredients. Cook on griddle. Makes about 10 pancakes.